Modern Music

This section contains morden songs only. Those can be Rock / Pop – Songs, Reggae, Jazz or other modern music.

Blues Guitar Chords

October 30, 2014

blues guitarist

Today, I want to show you how to play a simple 12-bar-blues on your acoustic guitar(s). You can play it with only one guitar and sing your own lyrics, or you can play and jam it together on two guitars. With the easy-to-learn scale given in this post, you can even start to improvise and play your own blues tune / solo. The given blues guitar chords and tablatures are both suitable for beginners although the characteristic scale and rythms sound a bit unfamiliar at first.

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Ambient chillout (part 1) – Tablature

October 7, 2014

During the recent weeks, I found some nice ambient radio stations and enjoyed listening to this kind of calm and not distracting music. Because of the bad weather here in Essen I just picked up my guitar and wrote down a slow and easy duo tablature for two guitars. It is not very long, but i think it is more than just a snippet. I will continue this tablature with further parts in the future, but this part will remain as it is.

Here is how it sounds when both guitars play together:

Both guitars are very easy to play. The first one contains two barré chords, so it might be a bit more exhausting. To provide you some assistance while practicing this tablature, I recorded both guitars separately, so that you can practise the other part respectively.

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